Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hosea, A Story of Grace

I think one of the most unique books in the Bible is Hosea. On the surface, it's just a story about a prophet, Hosea, and his wife, who is a prostitute named Gomer. This may sound like a really weird thing to put in the Bible, but it's really an amazing picture of our up-and-down relationship with God. Just as Gomer unfaithfully cheats on Hosea constantly even after the marriage, we keep messing up and sinning against God. The middle of the book has angry words from God, but in the end, we are all reminded that God loves us no matter what. 

I will heal their waywardness and love them freely,  for my anger has turned away from them.... His splendor will be like an olive tree,  his fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon. People will dwell again in his shade;  they will flourish like the grain, they will blossom like the vine. -Hosea 14:4, 6-7

Here's a song by David Crowder Band called How He Loves. The lyrics that stand out most to me are "If His grace is an ocean, we're all sinking". Praying that you may all feel God's unfailing love and grace!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reflecting on Advent

Hi Everybody,
Hope you're all enjoying a terrific Sunday!
Going into this month of December, Advent has begun! Check out this video: While lots of people may look forward to Christmas for the gifts, the weeks leading up to Christmas (advent) should be a time of preparation for the celebration of Jesus' life and His return. He appeared on this Earth just as we did and experienced the same things we have. Because of that we can have the assurance that Jesus totally knows what we're going through in our lives. The most important difference however, is that Jesus came down to die on the cross for us and redeem us for our sins.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. -John 1:14

Check out this song by Chris Tomlin called Jesus Messiah. It lifts up praise to God for His awesome gift of grace through His son and our savior, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Here For You


Scriptures tell us that God is always here with us and we are in his presence.
      " So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory."
                                                                                     Psalms 63:2
What does this verse tell us? Well, if you put it in a humans perspective, we should be here with God so that we can worship him. But, this is also saying that God is here for us when we worship. This might be confusing at first but let's put it this way. If you went to a basketball game to watch a team play, you would be there at the stadium. Also, in order to watch a team play, they have to be there at the stadium as well. So, whenever scripture tells us we are here for God, he is always here for us. 

     I want to share a song today that expresses today's point. This song -------------------------->
The lyrics, "Let our praise be Your welcome" or "We welcome you with praise" shows us that we should open up for God so that he can be here with us. Listen to this song and try to listen to the lyrics carefully. I really feel that the lyrics speak a very powerful message, especially on the subject of God being here with his presence. 

That's all for today guys! Tune in next time to see more and lastly, God bless you all!

Have a good weekend!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Do we need forgiveness?


First of all, I'm blown by amazement. We don't think this is a coincidence! Right after we launched our new blog entitled "Eternally Boasting", the bible verse featured today is Corinthians 10:17-18.
                   17But, “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”18For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.
Let us rejoice! Amen

When you think about forgiveness what are your thoughts? Leave a comment below. First of all, I want to share a song with you guys that talks about forgiveness. Check out this link here:
When listening to the lyrics "we all make mistakes sometimes" we should understand that everyone is a sinner. I know it may be hard to forgive people but that is the morally correct thing to do as stated in the bible. We all sin so we should all forgive. No one will never not sin during their lives, in fact, it's hard to believe if someone said they didn't  sin all day. So whenever your mad at someone and their really annoying to you, think to yourself, do you sin? Maybe it's time to take action and forgive the other person.... you've sin as well too sometime during your life.

I urge everyone to check out Lecrae and Toby Mac. Their songs have a lot of meaning and very interesting lyrics! Hip hop rap RB soul artists can be Christian too!

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Hi everyone, 
So this blog is much more different than our other one.
While we really love updating you guys with cool news and sharing our J4FP videos, this is a place where we can share our faith. We feel that it's important to do so, and we hope you can enjoy this blog and learn from our sharing. It might be a bible verse, recent experience, song, reflection- anything! Our name, Eternally Boasting, just comes from one of our favorite songs everrr by Lecrae. Check it out! 

Thanks for visiting the site and we hope you have an awesome day! =)